Friday, January 30, 2015

Synnies, respect your friends!

Well, I made this on a prompting from another post I'd gotten on my dash about Synnies and how some have taken to treating their non-Synnie friends. Apparently some have been calling them 'Nonnies' which... is actually a plural for the word 'Nonny.' Never to refer to your friends like that. Seriously, if anyone has ever read or seen 'Much Ado about Nothing', they'd know it is a word means "Fool" or is used as a derogatory term for female genitalia. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to denigrate someone for NOT having a brain that's been altered by nature. Who can help how they're born? It'd be like calling them stupid for being born a certain race, it's very rude.

So, I made this picture. It's a picture of me and one of my non-Synnie friends just listening to music. She can see the reality of things and though different it's beautiful. (Seriously, if you ever look at a city in the rain its a tangle of lights and fog, which is fantastic.) I share music with her, we share laughs and we share friendship. Just because she doesn't know my experience doesn't make hers any less important or valid and I value her for the person she is rather than just being a sum of her parts. We decide how we treat the people around us and we Synnies need to remember that we're the ones with a different brain structure. We don't like being thought of as broken or incomplete (although I confess I sometimes see myself that way) so why should we be so thoughtless as to invoke snobbery on people who don't see things the way we do? That's a terrible behavior and I hope I stop seeing it. Treat your friends with respect, so what if they don't understand this part of you, it doesn't make them cherish you any less.

(If it did, they're not a friend and so they can go jump in a lake.) Alright, rant over.

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