Friday, May 15, 2015

Welcome to NIght Vale - The Weather: Squalloscope

Alrighty so, I know I have some Welcome to Night Vale stuff in here but one thing I've been neglecting terribly is putting up my Syn's for the Weather section. So, this song was one of the most beautiful, and honestly this was a hard one to put all on one piece of paper because technically when I see it, this is a rounded sequence but, I haven't figured out how to translate that one just yet. Anyhow, this is just how I see this song.

If you haven't listened to it, then I bring you now to: The weather! Squalloscope: Big Houses

This is also up on my DA which you can find here:

Friday, May 8, 2015

Markiplier's Voice

Alright so, this is the color of Markiplier’s voice. (How I see it anyway)The darkest bands happen when his voice deepens and the lighter pinker stripes happen when he squeals. Yay for Syns! Alas, this can sometimes be distracting when he starts shouting while being chased 'cause his voice brightens up something fierce, but it is nonetheless very pretty to look at. :3

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Syns and Drinking

So, I'm not much of a drinker. In fact, I had my first real drink only this year (at 26) as I've never been interested. Even though I've had alcohol I'm not very keen on the stuff and this is part of the reason why. While I have heard that alcohol weakens the Syns of others, I've discovered that not only does it amplify mine but that the pain which comes with it becomes more excruciating the more I imbibe. I am a Synner that feels sounds, music, and voices in and on my skin. Usually, all three are present in bars or clubs and thus having a Syn like mine while out with the crew...becomes rather discomforting for me. So, generally I'll have an innocuous drink, a coke or something so that I retain my amiability. (Granted, I'm not a grumpy buzzer but I sure as hell get sleepy!)

I make lots of posts like this also for my DA and Tumblr. I'll list the links below: